Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease is a viral virus that primarily affects young children but can also affect adults. The infection is mild, but it is contagious and easily disseminated. Let us examine its causes, symptoms, and therapy.


Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease, or HFM, is so termed because the disease causes painful blisters in the mouth, throat, hands, and feet. It is a frequent viral infection caused primarily by Coxsackievirus, a member of the Enterovirus genus. This infection is very contagious and spreads by blister fluid, contaminated hands, saliva, faces, nasal discharges, and respiratory droplets. Children under the age of seven are at a higher risk of HFM, as do adults with a weaker immune system.


Children suffer from fever and blisters for a few days. HFM blisters are red and packed with fluid. Rashes are also seen on the palms, soles, and buttocks. Flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, loss of appetite, and muscle pain are also possible.

Because the blisters in the mouth and throat make it difficult to eat and drink, youngsters become dehydrated. It takes between one and ten days for the symptoms to go away and for you to fully recover.

If the blisters are limited to the mouth and throat, it may be difficult for parents to determine that their kid has HFM.

Children at a young age may not be able to talk, may not eat or drink, or may consume very little. If such things occur, it could be a symptom of HFM.


The ailment Hand-Foot-And-Mouth Disease is self-limiting. This disease has no definite treatment or immunization. Regular hand washing and avoiding close contact with the infected individual are two preventive actions that can dramatically lower the risk of infection.

It is usually preferable to provide medications under the supervision of a physician because individual body responses vary and a child may be allergic to medications. If your child is less than 6 months old or if the symptoms do not go away after 10 days, you should see a doctor.

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen might be given to relieve itching and irritation. Aspirin should never be given to youngsters since it can cause Reyes' Syndrome (a medical emergency).

If the symptoms persist, it is best to see a dentist as soon as possible to get them treated. Oris Dental Clinic has a dedicated staff of the best kids' dentists in Dubai to provide healthy dental treatment for your child.

For more information read the full blog: https://www.orisdentalcenter.ae/blog/hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-causes-symptoms-and-treatment


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