3 Tooth Abscess Signs You Should Not Avoid

Tooth abscess, caused by a bacterial infection, is a potentially dangerous dental condition causing pain and potential life-threatening complications. Detecting and seeking prompt medical assistance is crucial, with three key symptoms to avoid.

What are the tooth abscess signs?

Tooth abscess symptoms indicate infection has spread beyond the tooth or gum to the face, neck, or other body areas, indicating potential health risks.

Fever: Fever is a sign of inflammation and infection, often accompanied by chills, sweating, and weakness, especially in cases of tooth abscess.

Swelling: Swelling, a sign of tissue inflammation and fluid accumulation, can indicate a tooth abscess, causing pressure, pain, and potentially impairing breathing, swallowing, and airway obstruction in the affected areas.

Vision issues: Vision issues can result from nerve damage or blood clotting in the eyes, particularly in cases of dental abscess. These issues can cause double vision, blurred vision, or loss of vision, accompanied by drooping eyelids, headaches, and confusion.

What should you do if you have tooth abscess signs?

Identify dental abscess symptoms and schedule an appointment with your dentist for immediate treatment, including drainage, infection removal, and possible tooth preservation, along with prescribed medications.

How can you prevent tooth abscesses and their signs?

To prevent tooth abscesses, maintain good oral hygiene, visit your dentist regularly, brush twice a day, floss once, use antiseptic mouthwash, avoid sweet and sticky foods, quit smoking and alcohol, and visit your dentist twice a year for exams and cleanings.


Dental abscesses can cause discomfort and should be addressed promptly to maintain good dental health. Symptoms include fever, swelling, and eye issues. Regular dental visits and proper oral health care are crucial. Oris Dental Center offers skilled guidance and treatment for tooth abscesses, emphasizing the importance of oral health for overall well-being.

For more tips and Details read the full blog here: https://www.orisdentalcenter.ae/blog/3-tooth-abscess-signs-you-should-not-avoid/

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