Teething Rash In Babies - Oris Dental Center

When babies begin teething, they often experience excessive drooling, which can lead to skin irritation and the development of a teething rash, also known as drool rash . This condition is common and typically harmless, but it can cause discomfort if not managed properly. Can Teething Cause a Rash? Yes, teething can lead to a rash. As babies start developing teeth, usually between 6 to 12 months, their salivary glands produce more saliva. The excess drool accumulates on the skin, particularly around the mouth, chin, and neck, causing irritation. When combined with friction from clothing, hands, or toys, this moisture can result in redness, chapping, and mild swelling. Teething Rash on the Face One of the most common areas affected by teething rash is the face, especially the cheeks, chin, and mouth area. Constant exposure to saliva can cause the skin to become red, dry, and irritated. The rash may worsen if babies frequently touch their mouths with their hands. Tips to Prevent and...